Dietary Possibilities for Autism

By Dr. Michael Roth

Flickr photo credit goldsardine

Flickr photo credit goldsardine

I often counsel patients in my holistic chiropractic practice to make changes in their diet to help balance their health. Wheat/gluten, dairy and sugar are the three biggest problem-creators in my patients’ diets. This can be especially true for my patients with autism.

There is growing interest in the link between autism and gastrointestinal (GI) ailments. A study by the University of California Davis Health System found that children with autism born in the 1990s were more likely to have gastrointestinal problems, including constipation, diarrhea and vomiting, than autistic children who were born in the early 1980s.

According to one theory, some people with autism cannot properly digest gluten and casein, which form peptides, or substances that act like opiates in their bodies. The peptides then alter the person’s behavior, perceptions, and responses to his environment. Some scientists now believe that peptides trigger an unusual immune system response in certain people.

Flickr photo credit Rik Lomas

Gluten and gluten-like proteins are found in wheat and other grains, including oats, rye, barley, bulgur, durum, kamut and spelt, and foods made from those grains. They are also found in food starches, semolina, couscous, malt, some vinegars, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, and artificial colors and flavors.


Flickr photo credit Mike Mozart

Casein is a protein found in milk and foods containing milk, such as cheese, cream, butter, yogurt, ice cream, whey and even some brands of margarine.




This is what I recommend to my patients with the diagnosis of autism:

  • First, eliminate all dairy from their diet. Substitute almond milk instead of their regular milk.
  • Next, eliminate the foods and products that contain gluten—wheat, oats, barley, rye, and spelt are the most commonly found.
  • Grains that CAN be eaten on a gluten-free diet include rice, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, millet and any other gluten-free grains.
  • Eliminate corn from the diet. Corn tends to be inflammatory in nature and many children diagnosed with autism seem to be allergic or have a sensitivity to corn.
  • Avoid GMO (genetically modified organism) foods. Some studies show that there is a connection between GMO foods and incidences of autism. GMO foods may also put added stress on the immune system.
  • No added sugar.
  • No artificial coloring or flavoring.
  • Gluten-free, casein-free foods that CAN be eaten: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, eggs and beans.

Some parents, doctors and researchers say that children have shown mild to dramatic improvements in speech and/or behavior after these substances were removed from their diet.

In my office, parents have reported back to me that there have been positive and often remarkable changes in their child’s behavior once these dietary changes have been made!  Call Crystal at my office (805) 644-0461 to schedule a consultation today!

Published in: on July 14, 2014 at 11:23 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Energy Healing for Children with Autism

By Dr. Michael Roth


Flickr photo credit Laura Dahl

There is an exciting and effective new approach to helping children with autism and it is a modality I have used in my holistic chiropractic practice for years! It is called NMT (Neuromodulation Technique) and is a branch of energy work called informational medicine.

NMT is a type of energetic healing best described as informational medicine, because it works to identify and correct the informational source of illness – the confusion that can interrupt our innate healing mechanisms.


What is Energy Healing?

Energetic healing is an umbrella name for any therapy that works on the principle of moving the energy circuits in our physical or subtle bodies to facilitate our innate healing ability. There are many forms of energetic healing. Some you may have heard of: Reiki, reflexology, kinesiology, acupuncture and chakra balancing.

NMTEnergetic healing looks beyond physical symptoms to manipulate the subtle energetic meridians in the body to clear blocks, repair and rebalance.

Trauma, stress, environmental damage and disease are stored in the energy fields of our bodies. Disease is the body’s way of communicating that there is an energetic block, our body’s energy is unable to move harmoniously. Energetic healing facilitates repairing the body to its optimal level of balance so that it can heal itself.

According to quantum physics, we are all made of energy, as is everything in our world. Even our thoughts and feelings are energy, yet like oxygen, you can’t see them. In an optimal state of health, our personal energy is delicately balanced. Internal and external factors like anxiety, limiting beliefs, neurological or biological imbalances, toxins, and poor nutrition can throw off our energetic balance.

NMT is a powerful tool to help the mind/body freely realize its potential to heal. NMT is safe and effective for all people, and particularly safe for the very young, very old, even pregnant women and infants. NMT is one of several cutting edge modalities I use to help my patients and I have found it to be highly effective in balancing many issues that families face when a child is diagnosed with Autism.

Flickr photo credit gudka


What Will My Child Experience during the Session?

Many children may feel absolutely nothing at all while they are receiving energy work. They may feel a warmth or coolness, some may drift off to sleep, and some may have an emotional release with giggles or tears. Some children will experience immediate improvement in a physical symptom or mood. Others may process the session over several days, and improvement will come more slowly.


What About for Mom?

NeuroModulation Technique is helpful for parents who struggle with their own emotional pain and stress. The mother often experiences great guilt when her child is diagnosed with Autism. There may be an entanglement of emotional issues between parent and child that add to daily challenges. Because of the close emotional connection between parent and child, when parents are in balance, children will often start to show improvement.


Could Energy Healing Help My Child?

Many children benefit from energetic healing. Issues such as sleep, anxiety, and digestive pain are greatly aided by this modality. Energetic healing may augment other modalities beautifully. NMT is able to go much deeper to the roots of imbalances in children with diagnoses such as Autism and ADD/ADHD to help bring about much more fundamental change.

Flickr photo credit Fonte Silvia Meo

Like us on Facebook: Roth Wellness Center

Published in: on June 29, 2014 at 7:43 pm  Leave a Comment  
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By Dr. Michael Roth


Our physical bodies out-picture all our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and identities.  When these feelings are acknowledged and processed, our mind-body system functions properly.  However, when they get stuck in our bodies, physical dis-ease may occur.  Patients in my holistic chiropractic office often present with muscle tension, fatigue, insomnia, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic pain. Often, these conditions are the result of past TRAUMA experienced by the patient.

Flickr photo credit lee Carson

What is trauma?  In my practice, trauma is an emotional insult that creates a charge in the nervous system. It is a one-time or repeated stress that gets lodged in the body and disrupts the flow of energy in the Triad of Health.  The greater the repetition of the event, the deeper is the charge.

Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, yet any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and alone can be traumatic, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. It’s not the objective facts that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized.


An event will most likely lead to emotional trauma if:

• It happened unexpectedly.

• You were unprepared for it.

• You felt powerless to prevent it.

• It happened repeatedly.

• Someone was intentionally cruel.

• It happened in childhood.

Flickr photo credit Marc Andre Lariviere

For example, let’s say that as a child at the dinner table, you spilled your milk and your father yelled at you.  In time, you develop an allergy to milk, a result of this unexpected event.

Experiencing trauma in childhood can have a severe and long-lasting effect. Adverse experiences in childhood generate strong emotions in children. Children who have been traumatized see the world as a frightening and dangerous place. When childhood trauma is not resolved, this fundamental sense of fear and helplessness carries over into adulthood, setting the stage for further trauma.

The cause of the trauma is not always obvious. Here are some commonly overlooked causes of emotional and psychological trauma:

• Falls or sports injuries

• Surgery (especially in the first 3 years of life)

• The sudden death of someone close

• A car accident

• The breakup of a significant relationship

• A humiliating or deeply disappointing experience

• The discovery of a life-threatening illness or

disabling condition

Photo credit Christy

Trauma disrupts the body’s natural equilibrium, freezing us in a state of hyper-arousal and fear. In essence, our nervous system gets stuck in overdrive.  Our innate fight-or-flight system can be overworked from ongoing, relentless stress.  This is especially true when trauma occurs in the early stages of life.  Persistent stress can trigger diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, and addiction later on.

I use protocols in my practice to uncover and clear past trauma that is stuck in the body and has resulted in illness and pain.  My patients are amazed at how much better they feel before they even leave the office!  Please call Crystal in our Ventura office (805-644-0461) to make an appointment with me and release that which is holding you back from optimum health and wellness.

Autism on the Rise — How Can We Help Our Children?

By Dr. Michael Roth

We’ve heard about the growing numbers of children being diagnosed with autism. Many of us have a family member or know a friend with an autistic child. Why is this happening and what can we do about it?

Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 68 American children as on the autism spectrum –a ten-fold increase in prevalence in 40 years. Careful research shows that this increase is only partly explained by improved diagnosis and awareness.

Studies also show that autism is four to five times more common among boys than girls. An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States. Signs of autism usually appear before age 3.

The symptoms of autism influence a child’s behavior, language and social skills. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) lists five behaviors that warrant further evaluation:

• Does not babble or coo by 12 months

• Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months

• Does not say single words by 16 months

• Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months

• Has any loss of any language or social skill at any age

Any of these five “red flags” does not mean your child has autism. But because the symptoms of the disorder vary so much, a child showing these behaviors should have further evaluation by a developmental pediatrician knowledgeable about autism.


Autism is not a hopeless condition. Children with autism do progress and early intervention is key. Each child with autism is unique. Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music and academic skills.

They may find moving objects such as tops or cars that will run by themselves quite intriguing. They may like to spin their bodies or develop other self-stimulating behaviors. They may experience extreme sensitivity to touch, light, and sound. Conversely, the actions that will cause others pain may not seem to bother them.

When I work with children with autism, I address the whole child and the whole family if needed. I have found that through changes in diet and nutrition and using energetic healing, the manifestations of autism can be successfully reduced.

Flickr photo credit Michael Carlan

Future entries in my blog will discuss how I help the child with autism in my holistic chiropractic practice. I know you will find this information enlightening and promising for the children and families that are dear to you!

If you or someone you love is facing the challenges of an autism diagnosis, please contact Crystal in my office at (805) 644-0461 to ask for more information!

Published in: on June 17, 2014 at 3:44 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Where’s the Block?

By Dr. Michael Roth

I believe that we all have the power to change, to grow, to move from an old way of being into a new way of being in our lives.  Every day in my holistic chiropractic office I work with people who are suffering with chronic pain.  They have been to many doctors, have spent large amounts of money on prescription drugs, remedies and devices to alleviate their pain, all to no avail. They are stressed and unhappy.

Using muscle response testing, the first thing I ask them to say is, “I am OK having my pain be gone” or “I am OK getting out of pain.” Usually, the muscle checking indicates that their mind-body system is NOT in congruence with the concept of being pain-free.  This tells me that there is a hidden belief that is sabotaging their efforts to heal.

How can this be, you ask? Why would someone unconsciously be holding on to his or her chronic pain? Somewhere, there is a payoff to keeping the pain—perhaps to get more attention directed their way, to have less responsibility, to not have to make decisions, etc. There is a blind spot that is unconsciously keeping them from healing. The emotional component is so powerful as to block the healing that is being applied to the physical body.

Flickr photo credit Washington State Dept. of Transportation

How we value ourselves, our beliefs about our self-worth, can be a factor blocking healing. If we don’t think we are worthy enough to be whole and healthy, we have created a block. If we are under constant stress, from pollutants in air and water, traffic jams, over-packed schedules, eating unnatural and over-processed foods our bodies weren’t built to digest, the demands of work and family, financial obligations and so on, this stress can severely reduce our ability to live life with grace, ease and power, and to heal our bodies.

There may be chemical stressors on our system that are blocking healing. Whether they are prescribed, over-the-counter, or otherwise, drugs introduce toxic ingredients to our body’s organic system. If we’ve lived a lifetime ingesting chemicals, we’ve been compromising our body’s capacity for healing. Not only do inorganic chemical compounds mess with our physical system, they can play havoc on our energetic wiring, our emotions and the way our mind processes information.

In the over 20 years that I have worked with the mind-body connection, I have found that holding on to bitterness or resentments, or in any way being unable to forgive one’s self or others is a major block to healing of any kind. When we forgive, the energy to heal is released and flows more freely.

Flickr photo credit Iqbal Osman


No amount of healers in the world can help us if we don’t allow it. Belief is mighty. Belief moves mountains and changes lives – for better or worse. When we believe our well-being is out of our hands, then it surely is.  I work closely with my patients, coaching them to feel empowered that they can and will heal!

If you or someone you care about has been suffering from chronic pain, please call Crystal in our Ventura office at (805) 644-0461 and make an appointment for a consultation with me.  Don’t let unrecognized beliefs block your road to healing and living a full and vibrant life!



Published in: on June 5, 2014 at 10:42 pm  Leave a Comment  
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My Life in Chiropractic

By Dr. Michael Roth


Hello! My name is Michael Roth and I am a holistic chiropractor licensed to practice in the states of California and Hawaii.  After I graduated from the Los Angeles Chiropractor College in 1984, I joined a well-established practice here in Ventura, California.  I wore a white jacket and applied hot compresses to my patients’ sore spots before I manually adjusted their backs and necks.

Dr. Roth cropped

If needed, I attached wires to their skin to administer tiny electric shocks to help release tight muscles.  I would have several patients in different rooms at the same time, running back and forth in an attempt to meet everyone’s needs at once.  Often, I saw the same people three times a week, week after week, with the hope of eventually relieving their pain.


I learned that this very traditional form of chiropractic was not for me. I was frustrated with the low rate of complete healing that my patients were experiencing, despite repeated office visits.  I started to look at other healing modalities that I could add to my “menu” of wellness practices.


The first alternative modality I learned is called Neuro Emotional Technique. What makes NET unique is its focus on releasing patients’ emotional blocks stored in the body’s memory through simple chiropractic adjustments. It also relies on aspects as unusual as a five-element acupuncture model, acupressure points, and homeopathic combination remedies.

Dr. Roth NETThis technique started to give my patients the complete healing for which I was looking!  As I connected the dots in each individual’s healing process, I became more and more convinced of the importance their thoughts, beliefs and emotions had in their healing process. I was excited and wanted to learn more!  Now I also utilize CRA, QNRT, and NMT in the evaluation and healing of my patients.  (Visit  for more information on these techniques.)


Triad of health book coverIn the past 25 years, I have dedicated myself to balancing each patient’s individual Triad of Health.  When the structural, chemical and emotional systems of the body are in sync, the body’s natural ability to heal itself is able to come forth and manifest wellness.   Healing the patient who has been suffering from chronic pain is one of my biggest joys!


I have witnessed incredible transformations in only a few sessions and I absolutely know I am in the right place at the right time and doing what I was put on this planet to accomplish! The mind-body connection is my specialty and my work continues to excite me to this day, 29 years after getting my Doctor of Chiropractic degree.


Please feel free to share my story with your friends and relatives and refer them to Crystal in my Ventura office to set up a free consultation. 805-644-0461. I want to make a difference in the health of the world, and it starts right here, right now!

Dr. Roth treatment


A Pro-Active Approach to Reducing Stress

By Dr. Michael Roth

This post concludes my three-part series on stress, excerpted from my book, Balancing Your Emotional Health. I specialize in the mind/ body connection, and as I’ve stated in previous newsletter articles, stress is the underlying culprit of many of the issues my clients present in my Ventura holistic chiropractic practice. Here are three tried-and-true activities you can start using right now to reduce stress.

Flickr photo credit Giuseppe Milo

Dr. Herbert Benson is a pioneer in mind/body medicine. In his 35-plus-year career, he has defined the relaxation response and continues to lead teaching and research into its efficacy in counteracting the harmful effects of stress. When Dr. Benson introduced this simple, effective, mind/body approach to relieving stress in 1975, his book became an instant national bestseller. The Relaxation Response has become the classic reference recommended by most health care professionals and authorities to treat the harmful effects of stress.

Relaxation Response

by Dr. Herbert Benson

1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face. Keep them relaxed.

4. Breathe through your nose. Become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, say the word “ONE” silently to yourself. For example, breathe IN…OUT, “ONE”; IN…OUT, “ONE”, etc. Breathe easily and naturally.

5. Continue for 10 to 20 minutes. You may open your eyes to check the time, but do not use an alarm.

6. When you finish, sit quietly for several minutes, at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes opened.

7. Do not stand up for a few minutes.

8. Do not worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation. Maintain a passive attitude and permit relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to repeating “ONE.”

9. With practice, the response should come with little effort. Practice the technique once or twice daily, but not within two hours after any meal, since the digestive processes seem to interfere with the elicitation of the Relaxation Response.


The neck is a primary target for stress. Here is a simple exercise to release tightness and tension in the neck and shoulders.


1. Begin by letting your left ear drift slowly towards your left shoulder. Only go within your normal range of motion, and relax.

2. Place your arms on your lap or at your sides. Then, move your right hand behind your back to extend the flexion for that area.

3. Breathe and relax in that position for 15 to 30 seconds.

4. Repeat on the other side.

5. Next, gently let your chin fall to your chest. Slowly rotate your head in a small semicircle from one side of your collarbone to the other.  Hold your extension for a few seconds at any spot that is a particularly stressed or tight.



This last exercise is designed to release tension in the neck and shoulders and increase the natural range of motion when turning your head side to side.


 1. With the right hand, grasp the top of your left shoulder muscle (trapezius) and squeeze it gently.

2. Take in a deep breath. When you exhale, turn your head away from the hand, while looking over your right shoulder. Inhale when turning the head back to center.

3. Exhale while turning the head to look over the left shoulder. Return the head to center position.

4. Exhale, drop the chin to the chest. Inhale and raise the head to face forward.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 three times.

6. Next grasp the top of the right shoulder with the left hand and repeat steps 2-5 on the other side.

I encourage you to practice these exercises and feel for yourself the difference they make. As always, I am here to support you in health and wellness. Please call Crystal in my Ventura office at 805-644-0461 for an appointment.


If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to purchase my soft-cover book, Balancing Your Emotional Health, please call the office or click here for more information.



Attitude Creates a New Path

By Dr. Michael Roth


Today  I offer the second of three selections from my book, Balancing Your Emotional Health. We continue our look at stress and the havoc it can wreak on our bodies. Stress is the number one underlying cause of many of the conditions I see in my patients in my holistic chiropractic practice. I specialize in the mind/body connection and I am constantly reminded through my work of how deep and tangible this connection can be.


Some people see their cup as half full, others half empty. Some people like change, others resist and fear it. Some see the unknown as full of potential, while others go into drama and trauma.


The secret is your outlook – your attitude – and how you perceive your reality. Some take stress and convert it into positive energy that drives them forward to success – that’s called eustress.


Others let stress wear them down until eventually they die and cease to exist anymore in our physical world. Outlook and perception are the keys you need to investigate.


Take a moment, and think about what could happen when stress is continued over years and years and years. Eventually you’re going to have problems with the various systems of the body: digestive, circulatory, reproductive, etc. Stresses result in disease – it’s plain and simple, and you won’t find one doctor on the planet that’ll tell you to increase your stress levels to improve your health.

Flickr photo credit Bernard Goldbach

Sooner or later, you’ll reach your stress limit and then a lot of things are going to degenerate. It could start with arthritis that affects all the joints of your body because you’re holding emotional stress. Most people report that arthritis (rheumatoid-type) makes it difficult to grasp things with their hands. Psychologically (or emotionally) arthritis of the hands relates to being incapable of grasping why something in life is the way it is.


Cancer is another stress disease, or stress-related condition that can be traced back to the root cause. When speaking to cancer patients, the question is almost always asked, “Are you depressed?” The answer, of course, is YES! Then, when asked if they had had depression before their diagnosis, the majority said YES again.


Depression, I believe, is the major cause of non-tobacco-related cancer. Therapies may treat the depression with expression, positive thinking, and positive visualization, along with allopathic or other medical choices. The key here is that the restriction of energy flow causes more stress which creates depression and disease in the human body.


What disease will stress cause you? None, I hope, but perhaps there is a science to this ill thought out plan of reaction to STRESS. Here is a chart of some common diseases with their possible emotional causes:


DISEASE                                                         CAUSATION

Arthritis                                                           Inability to grasp situations

Cancer                                                              Depression – lack of expression

Diabetes                                                           Lack of Sweetness (happiness) in life

Gallstones                                                       Suppressed anger, bitterness (gall)

Sexual dysfunctions                                      Guilt or shame

Skin Conditions                                              Inability to face life

Urinary system problems                            Inability to let go of hurts


This is the short list; the real list is actually endless. Either the causation is either related to stress, or some form of infection or toxic environmental reaction. Remember that your body reacts to your thoughts. You don’t have to accept any illness or disease into your body. Keep this in mind: your brain is the ultimate computer operating system; your heart is the ultimate power supply unit. You simply don’t have to accept anything that is not good for your health! Reject stress.

Flickr photo credit Celestine Chua


If you are wondering if stress may be the underlying cause of your dis-ease, I invite you to call Amber in my Ventura office at 805-644-0461 and make an appointment to discuss your issues.


If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to purchase my soft-cover book, Balancing Your Emotional Health, please call the office or click here for more information.


Published in: on August 10, 2013 at 4:08 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Summing Up Stress

By Dr. Michael Roth

“Mind is where the action is… body is where the reaction is.”               Frederick Eikerenkoetter (Rev. Ike)

In my holistic chiropractic office in Ventura, I often see clients whose conditions are aggravated or even caused by excess stress. This month’s article is an excerpt from my book, Balancing Your Emotional Health.


Flickr photo credit sandiegopersonalinjuryattorneydotnet

Over the last 50 years, many researchers (psychologists and computer language specialists) have compared the brain/mind relationship to that of a computer and its operating system (program that directs the computer).  When the program is properly written, fully functional, and free from flaws, the computer functions perfectly, giving accurate responses and producing valuable and necessary operations.

The mentally balanced human being functions perfectly when under conditions of no stress to low stress. Under conditions of high stress, the overload causes restriction to the flow of energy, which leads us to disease, illness, exhaustion, system breakdowns, etc.

Your own state of health comes from your most constant, deepest felt, emotionally based, thoughts. Negations, those diseased (dis-eased or lacking ease) thoughts, transmute themselves into sick cells and a sick body.

For example, if you tell yourself, “I can’t stand it when my boss does this or that”; your body simply responds with a “Yes, sir!” as if a soldier was respectfully doing what was ordered by the commander.

The body is the servant of the mind and it will obey the commands you just gave when you said, “I can’t stand…” That’s what your mind heard and therefore, created. It might takes a few months or maybe even several years, but the repeated negative thought will eventually give you a reaction that you don’t really want.

Flickr photo credit Trizoultro

Thus, the mind (or brain/mind) is where the action is, and body is where the reaction is. If you say you can’t stand something, expect back and leg problems.

WATCH YOUR WORDS – whether your thoughts are intentional or spontaneous, they will create some reaction. When the mind is directed by negative or fearful thoughts, the bodily response usually will be disease and/ or functional failure.

Fearful thoughts cause STRESS. The two combined (fear + stress) are as deadly as the most dreaded diseases of our time. Fear, caused by excessive and/or non-rational worrisome thinking, kills people everyday.

Flickr photo credit Nate Steiner

Stress is more deadly than any influence, viral infection, or any disease currently affecting humanity. Stress is responsible for 95% of the disease on the planet. Just as it drives people to smoke, drink, use drugs (legal and not legal) to manage it, if left unmanaged it leads to smoking, drinking, drug use, and life-threatening disease.

People who live in fear of disease are too often those who get ill. They who fear the worst can always discover it in their lives or in the lives of those they know.

When you are fearful, upset, anxious, or nervous, those stressful forces can begin the gradual breakdown of your entire nervous and immunological system and your entire body. Stress, caused by negative thoughts that include fear, guilt, shame, envy, jealousy, and more, will kill you if you don’t control it.

Negative thoughts open the body to physical disease by taking the Triad (the balance of the physical, emotional and chemical components of your body) out of balance by weakening the mental/ emotional side. They also weaken the immune system by blocking  the natural flow of energy within your body. It has been shown, time and time again, that fearful, unbalanced, disharmonious thoughts can lead to the stresses that damage your health.


When your mind is given pleasant and courageous thoughts, a world of wonder, beauty, health and happiness prevails. Positive, strong, pure, and healthy thoughts always bring health and vitality.

Most members of the medical profession have either heard or believe that positive thinking, happiness, and humor can reduce the effects of disease or surgery and aid in the recovery process.

If you possess thoughts that are impure, or if you have thoughts that lack a high vibrational quality, meaning that they are negative in nature and vibrate in opposition to your values and beliefs, you’ll have a body with toxins in your bloodstream, weakened antibodies, and you’ll get sick regularly with illnesses that are very difficult to remedy.

From a clean heart and mind comes a clean body. From an unclean one, comes a diseased and weakened body. Always remember that health or disease and the quality of your experience on Earth is up to you, your attitudes, and your thoughts.

Flickr photo credit Matt Madd

If you would like to make an appointment for an office visit, please call Amber in my Ventura office at 805-644-0461.

If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to purchase my soft-cover book, Balancing Your Emotional Health, please call the office or click here for more information.


Can Weight Loss Be Toxic to Your Health?

By Dr. Michael Roth


Many of the clients I see in my holistic chiropractic practice are eager to lose the extra pounds that they have accumulated in life up until now. Losing weight provides many health benefits, such as lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduced risk of conditions such as heart disease, stroke and osteoarthritis. Weight loss can also have a side effect not commonly considered—toxin release.

Flickr photo credit tipstimes.comdiet


What is a toxin? Simply defined, a toxin is a substance that your body cannot use and that can cause you harm. Where do they come from? Toxins surround us! They are present in food, water, household products, cosmetics and air pollution. Your body even produces its own toxins during everyday healthy metabolic processes such as hormone production and digestion.


Where do these toxins go? Ideally, the body readily processes and eliminates them. If the body can’t keep up with the elimination of these toxins, it must somehow buffer us from them to keep us alive and functioning.


When the body is exposed to toxins that it cannot eliminate, it stores them. Most toxins are fat-soluble and our body stores the toxins in body fat to keep them from damaging our brain and nerves. When fat is broken down for energy, as occurs with a weight loss program, the toxins go into the bloodstream.


If the toxins are not eliminated upon release from the fat cells they can do damage in the body and potentially contribute to a multitude of symptoms and chronic diseases. The body is, in a sense, being poisoned by weight loss!


This is also a reason why people cannot lose weight or hit a plateau while losing weight – the body reaches a point where it cannot lose any more body fat because it is using the fat to protect us from the dangerous effects of these toxins.


Does this mean that we should give up on trying to lose fat? Absolutely not! It is a warning. Be careful how you go about losing your weight.


One factor that increases your chances of poisoning from weight loss is rapidity. The faster the fat is broken down, the greater the spike in toxins in the blood, which your liver will have to deal with. Everyone wants instant gratification. We want to see huge weight loss in a short period of time. This is not healthy.


Nutritionally inadequate weight loss diets commonly leave the body ill-equipped to cope with the surge of toxic chemicals released from fat storage. Detoxification can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea and fatigue.


Quality nutritional supplements such as the ones I offer my weight loss clients minimize or eliminate these side effects. The weight loss protocol I recommend is not difficult to follow and allows unlimited soup, salad and vegetables for 7 to 21 days, in addition to a special shake to drink. As the weight is released, my clients report feeling less stressed and having a greater sense of well being.


Flickr photo credit Joanna Slodownik



Coaching my clients to better health is important to me. Please call Crystal in our Ventura office at 805-644-0461 and make 2013 the year of a more fit and healthy YOU!