Tinnitus: It’s Not All in Your Ears!

by Kevin Hogan

What do tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, fibromyalgia, and phantom limb pain have in common? They all challenge our belief system that pain starts in the body. Scientists are discovering that pain that shows up in the body may actually start in the brain!

Twelve years ago, I woke up with tinnitus. Talking with a dozen doctors and reading the medical literature all led to one thing: You are stuck with it. Get used to it.

Not possible. There was NO way I could live with the jet engine 24/7. In addition to medications and lifestyle changes, I started studying the brain. I bought every textbook I could find on neurology, psychobiology and neurobiology.

I’ll tell you one thing: We know 100 times more about the brain today than we did 12 years ago, and yet the doctors still tell people there is nothing that can be done.

They tell that to people who taste metal, experience extreme dizziness, feel chronic pain and have the nightmare of them all: tinnitus. And they are wrong.

I learned that the brain has ”plasticity”. No, you can’t reshape it like a piece of clay or silly putty, but the analogy was useful as I fought through the daily listening to the Emergency Broadcasting System in my head.

The fact that the brain has this ability to change at the cellular level was useful in constructing ideas to get rid of the tinnitus. Lots of the ideas failed. Some helped. Eventually, it worked.

The research that is now out confirms that most people’s tinnitus is generated and “heard” in the brain, not the ear. Chronic pain doesn’t need to be chronic, because the cells that store the chronic pain can be changed. None of this is easy or even simple. It takes a pretty complex set of changes to get the brain to not pay attention to tinnitus and then to simply not remember it. It takes time.

I’ve helped thousands of people who suffer with tinnitus. None of the standard methods of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy or any therapies worked. Yet making changes to what actually determines what cells record does work!
New Discoveries

Recently released research on phantom limb pain experiences helps to explain in a logical fashion what I discovered 10 years ago, but could only guess as to why.

Scientists have made the first recordings of the human brain’s awareness of its own body, using the illusion of a strategically-placed rubber hand to trick the brain. Their findings shed light on disorders of self-perception such as schizophrenia, stroke and phantom limb syndrome.

Phantom limb syndrome is a disorder which can arise after amputation, where sufferers may no longer recognize their own limbs or may experience pain from missing ones. Remedies that trick the brain into believing the limb has been replaced, for example by using a mirror to reflect the opposite healthy limb onto the amputated limb, exploit the brain’s mechanism of self-perception.

In a study published recently in Science Express online, University College London’s (UCL) Dr Henrik Ehrsson, working with Oxford University psychologists, manipulated volunteers’ perceptions of their own body via three different senses – vision, touch and proprioception (position sense).

They found that one area of the brain, the premotor cortex, integrates information from these different senses to recognize the body. However, because vision tends to dominate, if information from the senses is inconsistent, the brain “believes” the visual information over the proprioceptive. Thus, someone immersed in an illusion would feel, for example, that a fake limb was part of their own body.

In the study, each volunteer hid their right hand beneath a table while a rubber hand was placed in front of them at an angle suggesting the fake hand was part of their body. Both the rubber hand and hidden hand were simultaneously stroked with a paintbrush while the volunteer’s brain was scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging.

On average, it took volunteers 11 seconds to start experiencing that the rubber hand was their own. The stronger this feeling, the greater the activity recorded in the premotor cortex.

After the experiment, volunteers were asked to point towards their right hand. Most reached in the wrong direction, pointing towards the rubber hand instead of the real hidden one, providing further evidence of the brain’s re-adjustment.

Dr. Henrik Ehrsson says: “The feeling that our bodies belong to ourselves is a fundamental part of human consciousness, yet there are surprisingly few studies of awareness of one’s own body.”

“Distinguishing oneself from the environment is a critical, everyday problem that has to be solved by the central nervous system of all animals. If the distinction fails, the animal might try to feed on itself and will not be able to plan actions that involve both body parts and external objects, such as a monkey reaching for a banana.

“This study shows that the brain distinguishes the self from the non-self by comparing information from the different senses. In a way you could argue that the bodily self is an illusion being constructed in the brain.”

My Tinnitus Reduction Program

I took all the information I gathered about tinnitus and integrated it with the modalities in which I was already working, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, to create a program for myself that eliminated my tinnitus! What a relief, to be free of the non-stop ringing in my ears!

The Tinnitus Reduction CD Program has helped thousands of individuals reduce the distress associated with tinnitus. In most cases, when individuals utilize the Tinnitus Reduction Program as part of a multi-modality approach to tinnitus reduction they experience long term improvement.

“I had meant to write before as I have had your tapes since July. They have been wonderful and saved my sanity. My tinnitus is greatly reduced and my Meniere’s under control. I return to your tapes as I find them excellent and I use them every night to go to sleep with. Thank you.” – Anne Clarke

A multimodal approach is the only way to assure your success in reducing your tinnitus volume and the intense emotional distress that comes from the tinnitus. If you are sick of hearing that “nothing can be done” and “you’ll have to learn to live with it,” this is the starting point.
Who Should Own This Program?

Anyone with tinnitus who would like to reduce the volume of their tinnitus through the use of self-hypnosis CDs, along with other strategies presented in the program.

Your CD program includes three hours of up to date information about how to reduce the volume and distress of your tinnitus. This portion of the program is updated regularly.

In addition to the reporting you will receive of what is working in the area of medicine, tinnitus retraining therapy, and other modalities, you will receive self hypnosis CD’s specifically designed by me which assisted me in the elimination of my tinnitus. The first two CD’s in the program are the most up to date information about tinnitus relief you can get. Now, you can utilize the same program as part of a multi-modal effort in reducing your tinnitus volume.


Tinnitus Reduction CD Program and the 260 page book, Tinnitus: Turning Down the Volume

The program includes the brand new revised edition of the 260 page book Tinnitus: Turning the Volume Down which includes the latest developments in reducing tinnitus and hundreds of citations for further research. You also will receive the eight disc CD program.

100% Lifetime Money Back Guarantee. After you have used this program and the information in it for six months, you will have a record of specifically how much quieter you are then than now. If you don’t think this program lived up to its billing, return it for a full refund. And, if a CD ever skips or breaks, we will replace it FREE!

by Kevin Hogan, Psy.D.

Kevin Hogan is a psychotherapist specializing in hypnosis, who didn’t stop with just one possible way to experience silence.


To ORDER or for more information
click on the PHOTO below.

Kevin Hogan Tinnitus

Kevin Hogan
Network 3000 Publishing
3432 Denmark #108
Eagan, MN 55123
(612) 616-0732

Published in: on July 31, 2009 at 8:41 am  Leave a Comment  

Physical and Emotional Health — The Connection We Cannot Ignore

by Jennifer Battaglino

If pain and physical illness had nothing to do with our emotional health then you would never hear a doctor say upon diagnosing an ulcer, “Take it easy, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life…”  More often than not our answer sounds something like this, “I wish I could Doctor but there’s just too much going on right now, but I’ll try.”  Sounds like a recipe for staying ill.

Now this doesn’t mean that our physical ailments are not REAL, it simply implies that to be truly well, you must address both the physical and emotional aspects of any illness.

A “multi-modal” approach is a bit of a buzz word that means you are attacking a problem from all different angles.  It became popular because it makes sense.  If someone suffers from tinnitus, also known as ringing of the ears, they typically hear that they have to just live with it and there is nothing they can do.  In some circumstances cranial sacral therapy and a technique known as strain-counter strain can help.  I recently had one of my clients see a chiropractor for an orthogonal adjustment series and say he has never felt better.  I usually ask my client to clench their jaw, tilt their head back, and also apply pressure against their forehead to see if these actions cause any change in volume or pitch.  You’d be surprised how many people push on their forehead and say, “Oh, I can’t believe that, it just went up.”

The results can’t be denied.  Something in position has caused a change in the tinnitus which means there is a possibility it can be affected by treatment.  This is when I recommend pursuing the aforementioned techniques.

Now the emotional piece is addressed with a specifically trained hypno-analyst, where we use hypnotherapy to address all of the triggers and stressors that exacerbate the tinnitus.  While the client gains insight, they are also being desensitized to the noise and gaining better coping skills.  The sound then becomes more of an annoyance than a threat and I know I would rather have the former than the latter.  If we know how the bomb works and what makes it tick and go off, then we also know how to diffuse it.  So as we pick apart the layers that make someone prone to latching onto a noise that now drives them crazy, we are also addressing the physical side as well.

With this approach we have the greatest possibly for someone suffering to get well and get their life back.  Tinnitus can be a debilitating illness which leaves people feeling panic and hopeless.

When only addressing one side, whether it’s the physical or emotional part of an illness, one is left susceptible to relapse.  So pull it out by the root completely and truly feel well.

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Secret of Stubborn Weight Loss

by Dr. Michael Roth

Patients with a stubborn weight problem usually have underlying digestive issues. Many of these people, because their digestive system is compromised, experience food intolerances.

An intolerance to a particular food, or family of foods, is a condition that often comes in under the radar.  A patient may have complaints that include bloating, swelling legs, a rash, a filmy white coat on the tongue, feeling full in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, irritability, restlessness, and back or shoulder pain.  These complaints, either alone or in any combination, may indicate a food intolerance.

A forty- two year old woman gained over 35 pounds with the birth of her second child. She was unable to lose the weight. She consulted a weight loss clinic, followed the program to the letter, and though it was an excellent program, she did not lose even one pound after almost four months on the program. Part in frustration and part in concern, she consulted a medical doctor who suggested surgery. She declined. When I checked her with muscle response testing, it was determined that she was reacting to nuts and cheese, the very things she frequently snacked on. After removing nuts and cheese from her diet, she lost almost eight pounds in three weeks.

Oversensitivity to Stress

When you have a sensitivity to the amount of stress you live under, and when you eat during those times, you may experience bloating, flatulence, belching, and a burning sensation. Gastritis and other stubborn symptoms of stressful digestion are reported. When your body is under stress, your digestive system is affected. Often at that time, you may develop food intolerances.

Mr. B., age 69, came to my office wanting to lose weight and improve his energy. His body shape was the classic liver belly, a large protruding abdomen. After two weeks on the liver enhancement diet and supplement program, along with eliminating dairy, he began to lose weight. After several months, he had lost 20 pounds. Even more importantly, he stated that he has more energy and vitality and has not felt this good in 40 years!

Your body’s reaction to certain foods may start with your digestion, yet it can act as a stressor to your whole system, affecting other areas and bodily functions.

When our system is stressed in any of the areas of the Triad of Health; structural, chemical, or emotional, the body responds with the same stress response, no matter the source.  The brain stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which acts on the liver to break down glycogen into sugar for “fight-or-flight” which in turn triggers the release of insulin.  The insulin brings the sugar into play for action, and if none is needed by the muscles, the sugar goes back to the liver. If not needed there because the liver has reached its maximum capacity for it, it goes to fat storage.

Thus, as our bodies adapt to a chronic state of stress, say a structural or emotional stress, our hormones become out of balance creating an additional chemical stress on our system.

Good News

The good news is that there are protocols to determine which foods are the culprits if food intolerance is the issue.  Eating healthy, natural foods and knowing which foods to stay away from, along with exercise, is a way to successfully release fat and keep the weight off.

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:15 pm  Leave a Comment  

6 Nutritional Keys in Treating Fibromyalgia Symptoms

by Dr. Michael Roth

Fibromyalgia was recognized by the American Medical Association as an illness and cause of disability in 1987, yet fibromyalgia continues to be difficult to diagnose and treat.

Today with the aid and resources of the internet, along with a network of educated and supportive friends, patients can now be proactive in their diagnostic approach and treatment methods.  Changing one’s diet and reducing the chemical stressors on the body that come from eating inappropriate food have been found to be tremendously helpful in relieving the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Get Started!

To most effectively benefit, each person needs to experiment to see what works best for their body. The results will vary for each individual. The following tips are a great starting point for easing symptoms and taking control of fibromyalgia:

  • Balancing your diet will allow your body to heal and move towards its optimal state.  The best way to do this is to avoid foods that contain saturated fats (including ALL junk foods) and to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.  The daily consumption of water is instrumental in the flushing out of your system.  These simple changes will allow your body to have a healthy foundation of nutritional support.
  • It is important to make sure your diet consists of large amounts of lean protein and fewer carbohydrates.  Lean protein (skinless chicken, lean beef and fish) is one of the best ways to fuel your body by keeping your energy levels high and eliminating hypoglycemia. Carbohydrates in small quantities are necessary for the body’s production of insulin, however in excess amounts they contribute to your system storing fat.
  • Maintaining good health means avoiding all products that have caffeine in them (coffee, tea, chocolate).  This is crucial because caffeine is a diuretic and can exacerbate the IBS symptoms often associated with those suffering from fibromyalgia.
  • It has been noted that wheat/gluten and dairy products are important items to eliminate in your diet.  You may feel much better after eliminating these items as they are common culprits that intensify symptoms.
  • Eliminate alcohol.  The combination of pharmaceuticals and alcohol can lead to many unhealthy side effects and in turn make symptoms increasingly worse.  Some of the prominent issues with alcohol consumption are the increase of stomach, digestive tract, and bowel problems.
  • In order to maintain a healthy immune system, you need to reduce or eliminate refined sugars in your diet.  By doing so, tests have shown that patients will experience optimal sleep patterns and fewer and less severe symptoms.

Positive Results

The reduction of chemical stress on the body can have an overwhelming positive result in managing and reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia.  Altering your diet will not only reduce symptoms, it will allow you to have a better quality of life and be on your way to a healthier and happier tomorrow!

Natural Cure to Fibromyalgia

Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:12 pm  Leave a Comment  
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The Triad of Health

by Dr. Michael Roth

What is health?

Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defines health as a “state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”

Our bodies are wired for health and vitality, not for illness and disease. Health is how our bodies function, not how they feel.  Health comes from the inside out. And, importantly, the choices we make play a part in our health and well-being.

There are three components that make up the Triad of Health. They are Structural, Chemical and Emotional.  Combined, they present an overall state of a person’s health.

Triad of health book coverChemical              Emotional             Structural

Structure is the foundation of the human body and the Triad. It includes the bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and nerves.  Shifts in structural alignment result from accidents, physical inactivity, or incorrect patterns of movement that have developed over time. Misalignments, also called subluxations, of the spine put pressure on the nerves that lead from the spinal column to the organs, glands, muscles, and other bones in our body, creating dysfunction.

The Chemical make-up and balance of the body includes diet and vitamins and mineral intake, as well as the function of organs and organ systems. The chemical aspect is disrupted by the ingestion of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and sugar substitutes like aspartame, as well as toxins in the air we breathe. Toxicity from food has a cumulative effect. Refined foods, fast foods, and high-tech processed foods have a negative impact on the health of the person consuming them.

Emotion is the third leg of the triangle. Not only does physical well-being impact emotions, but emotions can greatly impact the body, both positively and negatively. The emotional element of the triangle includes the feelings of fear, anger, guilt, depression and anxiety.   Emotional stress in the form of negative thoughts can have painful consequences.

The sides of the equilateral triangle all affect and interrelate with one other.  For example, being in a constant state of the emotion of fear may cause a muscle spasm or contraction in the back. The muscle spasm creates pain which affects more than just the back. The pain influences the food choices made, leaning more toward “comfort” foods, rather than healthy foods.  Food choices affect the body’s chemistry in terms of nutritional deficiencies.

Every cell in your body is both structurally and functionally related to every other cell in your body. All your thoughts, beliefs, fears, and dreams are connected within the structure and function of your physical body. By discovering and integrating these relationships, you allow yourself to bring greater harmony into your body and mind, diminishing internal conflicts and increasing your overall health and well-being!

Stress Management and the Mind/Body Connection

Balancing Your Emotional Health

The Brain/Body Connection and Structural Stress

by Dr. Michael Roth

Structure is the foundation of the human body and of the Triad of Health. All the physical actions, activities and encounters we experience in our lives have the potential to mold and shape the structure of our body.  What we have done with ourselves, and how we have done it, is reflected in the way we have developed our muscles, bones, and neuromuscular coordination.

Physical pain is considered by many to be more real than emotional pain. Even the healthiest person may have an accident in which a bone is broken. How that bone heals will depend on many factors, including the person’s emotional strength and chemical balance.  Any stress to one leg of the Triad of Health can and will have an effect on each of the parts of the triangle.

Communication plays a valuable role in health. The body’s communication system begins in the brain and is transmitted to the rest of the body by the nerve system. If anything occurs to interfere with this communication from brain to body, health issues can result.

For example, a man came in to my office who had difficulty turning his neck to the left.  He was experiencing pain and spasms on the left side of his neck and upper back. He had normal range of motion rotating his head to the right.  He also said that he has been experiencing indigestion for about six weeks prior to his neck bothering him, indicating a chemical problem.  Since he had not been able to turn his neck for several weeks, he also noticed that he had become more irritable and that his tolerance to stress had decreased, affecting his emotional well-being. Which came first?  Well, at this point, it doesn’t matter.  All three elements of the Triad have been compromised.  Action will be taken to determine the body’s priority for healing and getting back in balance, and it is possible that all three elements will need to be addressed.

Both physical and emotional problems may have their own warning signals if we can learn to be aware of them. Headaches, neck pain, back pain and digestive issues are a few physical warning signals. Stress, worry and sadness are just a few emotional warning signals.

Remember, healing always comes from within each of us. One of the ways I help facilitate that healing is by removing vertebral subluxations from the nerve system. When the structural component shows up, I also may utilize a protocol called “reciprocals.”  For example, if a patient has right shoulder pain, I will address the left hip with an acupressure type of stimulation. If the pain is in the left knee, I will stimulate the right elbow.

When interference is removed, the integrity of the body can be restored and the body will heal on its own.

Balancing Your Emotional Health

Stress Management and the Mind/Body Connection

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:05 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Brain/Body Connection and Emotional Stress

by Dr. Michael Roth

“I am so stressed out today!”

How many times lately have you said or heard this expression?  “Stress” has become such a common household word that we use it to describe everything from the rush of the morning commute to the hours of homework our children complete after their mandatory club soccer practices. The average person who I see in my practice is on six to ten medications.  Young boys are on Ritalin for attention deficit problems and girls are on anti-depressants.  Why?  The culprit is stress.

Most often, you are speaking of emotional stress when you use the “s” word. Stress is harmful because stress imbalances every hormone system in your body.  To achieve optimum health and an ideal body composition, you must focus on regular stress management.

When you experience a stressor, there are three phases to your response: 1) the stressful event, 2) your inner appraisal of it, and 3) your body’s reaction. The stress response is difficult to handle because once it begins, the mind has no control over it.  Sitting in traffic or being criticized at work can trigger a stress response –the “fight-or-flight” reaction – that has no hope of being physically carried out, thus dissipating the hormones that create the body’s call to action.

Although you may not be able to control the stressful event — or your body’s reaction to it — your inner appraisal of it, the link between the event and your reaction, is up to you. The totally personal way in which you filter all events determines how stressful they are. Everyone has a different level of stress tolerance.  What seems to create the greatest perceived threat in any given situation are these three factors: 1) lack of predictability, 2) lack of control, 3) lack of outlets for frustration.

The sympathetic nervous system regulates the fight-or-flight response.  When this system is under attack from a stressor, it turns down the immune system and you have a greater chance of being sick. A growing body of research indicates that activity levels of cells that identify and destroy cancer are likely to be lower in people experiencing high levels of stress.

When the sympathetic system is activated for a period of time, the system turns to “sympathetic dominant” mode, where the system is compromised by stress.  The second, even more serious stage, is “sympathetic shock” to describe a condition where the mind-body system has been so totally overloaded by one or more stressors that the immune system is shocked and is repressed.

As you internalize the memory of events you perceive to be stressful, your conditioned response becomes reinforced to the point that the expectation of the event becomes the stressor.  There are techniques to break the emotional stress cycle that involve “erasing” the old habitual way of thinking and reacting to a stressor with a new way that creates a more healthful, life-enhancing response.

The intelligence that made your body and runs your body can heal your body.

Balancing Your Emotional Health

Stress Management and the Mind/Body Connection

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:02 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Brain/Body Connection of Stress

by Dr. Michael Roth

It’s a beautiful day in Yellowstone National Park.  You emerge from your tent into the morning sunlight, a gentle breeze delighting your senses.  As you prepare breakfast over the camp stove, you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. It’s a bear!  Your heart starts to pound, your blood pressure goes up, your breath accelerates, and your digestion turns down. This is the normal and appropriate physiological response of your body dispensing the stress hormones you need to prepare the body to “fight-or flight.”

This well-documented biological event is the response shared by humans and animals and is extremely helpful when the individual faces physical danger. If the problem can be solved by “fighting,” taking action to scare the bear away, or by “flight,” running away so fast the bear can’t harm you, the solution itself dissipates the stress and bodily functions return to normal. When stress is caused by a problem, situation, or condition that can’t be solved through such a response, the impact extends for a longer period and upsets the Triad of Health.

When the body is physically, chemically, or emotionally overloaded, it causes a state of alarm that sets off a complex interaction called the stress cycle.  Research scientist and medical doctor Hans Selye introduced the concept of stress in the 1930s.  He showed that a variety of chemical changes accompany stress and proved that a stress reaction results from excess physical, chemical, or emotional pressure.

Selye also delineated the four phases of stress:

1. Alarm

2. Adaptation

3. Fatigue/exhaustion

4. Death

The alarm stage starts when the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system to stimulate the adrenal glands to release norepinephrine and adrenaline.  Cortisol is also secreted from the adrenals. One of its functions is to stimulate the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, which is sugar, to be used for energy.

When the same stress is repeated frequently, our bodies adapt and respond less intensely. However, this adaptation lowers our tolerance for new stress. So, we may adapt to caffeine, sugar, alcohol and nicotine, yet then we become less able to tolerate emotional or physical stress. We become so desensitized to stress that symptoms become chronic and are taken as normal. For example, stomach bloating, gas and hiccups are all symptoms of not digesting properly, yet we are led to believe by advertisements that this is not unusual, actually it is common and that simply taking an antacid will take care of it. This does not address the cause, but simply masks the symptom. However, one can never treat enough symptoms to correct the cause.

Repeated adaptation leads to the third phase of stress – fatigue and exhaustion. Here the autonomic nervous system comes into play. The autonomic nervous system has two parts:

1. The parasympathetic nervous system – the part that heals us when we rest.

2. The sympathetic nervous system – the “fight-or-flight” reaction – when this system is under attack from a stressor, it turns down the immune system and increases the chances of getting diseases.  Lowered resistance invites disease.

Selye discovered and documented that stress differs from other physical responses in that stress is stressful whether one receives good or bad news, whether the impulse is positive or negative.  Thus, it is not the event itself, but our reaction to the stress that harms us.

Balancing Your Emotional Health

Stress Management and the Mind/Body Connection

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 10:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Brain/Body Connection and Chemical Stress

by Dr. Michael Roth

Belly fat—lots of people have it!

Where does being fat and overweight come from?

The answer is… lifestyle and environment.

Over the past few years, national attention has started to focus on the main contributors to the obesity epidemic in the United States: too much fast food, too many soft drinks, and lack of physical activity.  The movie Super Size Me tells one man’s story of eating only McDonald’s food for one month, and the damage it did to his health.

Since 1980, the total number of obese and overweight Americans has doubled. California ranks 36th in adult obesity with 22.7 percent and 32nd in childhood obesity with 13.2 percent.  Obesity is second only to smoking as the most preventable cause of death.

The percentage of children who are obese has more than tripled since the 1970s.  Seventeen percent of kids are now obese, which means they are at or above the 95th percentile for weight in relation to height; an additional 17 percent are overweight, or at or over the 85th percentile.

The high sugar and fat content of fast food, combined with lack of exercise, creates a chain of events that put the body into chemical stress. Chemical stress creates the hormones that create the belly fat.

The digestive system is down-regulated when the body is under stress and one of the symptoms is belly fat. There are four basic body types that determine where fat is distributed in the body; liver, ovary, thyroid and adrenal, and each one of these affects the Other.

How your body utilizes the carbohydrates and sugar that you eat determines the ratio of two hormones, insulin and glucagon.  Both are released by the pancreas; glucagon is released when blood-sugar levels are low, and insulin is released when blood-sugar levels are high. A higher proportion of insulin means that more sugar will be stored as fat. A higher proportion of glucagon means that more fat will be broken down and will be used as either building materials or fuel for the body.

When our system is stressed in any of the areas of the Triad of Health; structural, chemical, or emotional, the body responds with the same stress response, no matter the source.  The brain stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which acts on the liver to break down glycogen into sugar for “fight-or-flight” which in turn triggers the release of insulin.  The insulin brings the sugar into play for action, and if none is needed by the muscles, the sugar goes back to the liver. If not needed there because the liver has reached its maximum capacity for it, it goes to fat storage.

Thus, as our bodies adapt to a chronic state of stress, say a structural or emotional stress, our hormones become out of balance creating an additional chemical stress on our system.

In the body, everything truly does affect everything else.

Balancing Your Emotional Health

Stress Management and the Mind/Body Connection

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 10:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Your Holistic Approach to Wellness Can Lead to Getting More Dates

by April Braswell

April Braswell is a leading Dating and Relationship Coach, specializing in Online Dating Coaching and working with clients over 40.

In my work as a dating and relationship coach, Dr. Michael Roth and I are very aligned in our philosophy.  While I have a sub-specialty of online dating coach work with my clients, that is really just one piece in the whole picture.  Just as Dr. Roth takes a holistic approach to working with his health clients and seeks to foster total health and wellness, not “just do” chiropractic work, so when I work with my dating and relationship clients, I seek to empower them with learning and practicing great communication skills – for LIFE and for creating satisfying and fulfilling long-term relationships.

With that, you’re probably wondering, “Well, April, that sounds great, but what do you mean?”

Thank you for asking!

Well, typically lot of clients when they either approach me or are referred to me will first tell me, “April!  I want to GET MARRIED.”

That’s great.

I am delighted for them that they have that as a life desire and are seeking great coaching and mentoring to achieve that.

However, their very THINKING is skewed to work against them.

First, to GET MARRIED is just a MOMENT IN TIME.

Well, what about the courtship, the creating the relationship, and oh, say, the next 5, 7, 13, and 24 years of married life?  What about THOSE?

Second, the brain can’t PICTURE how to GET THERE to what is “GET MARRIED.”

So, it’s like this isolated idea in the brain.

And none of the happy little neuro-pathways which already exist know how to connect THAT IDEA with OTHER IDEAS to actually bring it to realization.

Some ways to communicate with yourself that will express that same and which will also LEVERAGE the way your brain actually DOES work is to say, “April, I want to attract and create a great romantic relationship leading to marriage.”  Ok, so the full realities of life will mean you will probably write out a paragraph eventually while we are working together to describe what you personally truly desire.  However, that one little example can already HELP YOU to get started.  And once started, you then are no longer inert and have some momentum to leverage.

Happy Relationships to you!

April Braswell

Online Dating and Relationship Coach

Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 10:48 pm  Leave a Comment