A Holistic Chiropractor Takes a Look at Sugar…and YOU!

By Dr. Michael Roth


“Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at suppertime…” 

The lyrics of this song from a bygone era address the sweetness of love. However, in today’s modern world, the sugar we consume at meals is very real and very addictive!

Flickr photo credit Moyan Brenn


Most people are not aware that they are addicted to sugar. Yet, try to go a few days without it and you will briefly experience the pangs of withdrawal. Most of the clients I see in my holistic chiropractic practice know that too much sugar is not good for their bodies and their health.


Sugar leads to excess weight gain and puts you on the path to Type II diabetes. Although you most likely won’t be able to eliminate sugar from your diet completely, I offer here a few tips to reduce your sugar intake.


Plenty of people eat sugary foods throughout the day because their bodies tell them that they are hungry. One of the best ways to combat this feeling is to drink plenty of water. In addition to staying hydrated, you will not feel as hungry.



It is very common for people to eat all sorts of foods without bothering to read the list of ingredients. If you are trying to overcome your addiction to sugar, then make label-reading a habit. If sugar is one of the first three ingredients, don’t buy it.


The type of food that you eat is very important. Eat foods that are as close to their original form as possible. For example, instead of eating canned peaches in syrup, eat a whole fresh peach. Eat organic oatmeal for breakfast instead of packaged cereal, which usually has added sugar.


In my book, The Healing Code of Weight Loss, I recommend the following:


Avoid large beverages such as “super-sized” sugar-sweetened soft drinks. They have a large number of calories. Instead, try drinking water with a slice of lemon. If you want to drink soda, choose a calorie-free beverage or fruit juices instead.


Eat a breakfast that contains protein and fat to keep sugars low. This will help stave off cravings for chocolate and starches. Protein takes longer than sugar for your body to digest. You will feel full for a longer period of time and be less inclined to reach out for a sweet snack.


Stay away from fast food. The high sugar and fat content of fast food, combined with lack of exercise, creates a chain of events that puts the body into chemical stress. The digestive system is down-regulated when the body is under stress and one of the symptoms is belly fat.


Keep an accurate journal of everything that you eat. You may be surprised at how your sugar intake adds up when all of the foods you eat are combined. Keeping a journal will allow you to see exactly how much you consume.


You will also help yourself by staying as active as possible. People tend to eat more often when they are sitting around relaxing or watching TV. Starting an exercise regimen is a great idea since it helps you get or stay in shape. In addition, when you are physically active, you will be too busy to reach for the sugary foods!

Flickr photo credit Brett Lohmeyer


If you are concerned about your sugar intake and overall health, and if you would like assistance in developing healthier eating habits and lifestyle choices, please call Amber in my Ventura office to make an appointment for a personal consultation and start singing a different tune! (805) 644-0461

Discover the truth about your drinking water!

Everyone should read this information, which reveals the truth about our drinking water.  This information has completely changed the type of water I drink over the past year!  Click here to discover the incredible power of water, and to watch some amazing demonstration videos: DRINKING WATER

Published in: on March 1, 2010 at 11:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

Is Filtering Your Drinking Water with a Water Ionizer Necessary?

by Dr. Michael Roth

Do you give any thought to the water you drink everyday? How sure are you that the water you drink is not doing more harm than good to your health? Many people are concerned at the quality of water that comes through their taps. That’s why more and more people are looking into ways to improve the quality of their drinking water. Getting a water ionizer is one solution.

Is it really necessary to get a water filtration system for the home?
There is no guarantee that your municipal water systems will always deliver uncontaminated water. Just take a look at the news:
– In 1993, there was a tragic case of water contamination at Milwaukee. It claimed the life of 54 residents. 52% of the population suffered diarrhea and more than 4000 people were hospitalized. All this because the water was contaminated with cryptosporidiosis.
– On March 2008, 27 residents of Alamosa, Colorado fell ill because of salmonella found in their municipal water supply.
– More recently, on 24 June 2009, kutv.com reports that E.coli bacteria have been detected in the water source of Eureka, Utah. The residents there have been directed to boil their water before use.

To further understand the hazards of tap water, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) conducted a study in 1993 to evaluate the quality of tap water in 19 cities around the United States. Some cities were given an excellent grade. The majority were considered good or mediocre. Unfortunately, they also found places such as Albuquerque, Fresno and San Francisco to have contaminated water that posed health hazards to the residents.

So you see, it would be wise to install a water filtration system in the home as you never know what kind of water is being supplied to you. You never know when contamination may take place.

What does a water ionizer do?
There are 2 steps to a water ionizer. The first step is to filter out all the hazardous pollutants such as bacteria, pesticides, solvents, trihalomethanes, lead, asbestos, fluoride, arsenic, sodium, etc…. What the ionizer doesn’t filter out are soluble minerals which are beneficial to your body.
The second step is to ionize the water. Through the process of electrolysis, the water is separated into alkaline and acid streams. It’s drinking the alkaline water that has health benefits.

What are the benefits of drinking ionized water?

  1. It has antioxidant powers.
    What’s so great about antioxidants? They neutralize free radicals in your body and that helps you to fight diseases, aging and cancer.
  2. Increase hydration of the body
    When the water goes through the ionization process, it alters the way the molecules group together. They become ‘microclustered’ water, meaning the water now consists of smaller groups of molecules. In this state, it is able to hydrate cells more effectively and efficiently.
  3. Balances your body’s pH and detoxifies
    Our body can be very acidic because of the types of food we eat. When you drink a lot of soft drinks and frequently take in fast foods and processed foods, you are slowly building up the acidity in your body. This makes you more prone to diseases. A healthy body has a pH in the range of 7.34-7.40. Drinking ionized water helps to detoxify the body of acid waste. The ‘microclustered’ water is able to infiltrate tissue and cell walls more easily than normal H2O, even areas that could not be reached before. That’s why if you are just starting to drink ionized water, you will experience detoxification effects within the first few weeks. You may get headaches and diarrhea which is the result of detoxification. Newbies drinking ionized water must adjust the water ionizer’s intensity to a lower level first and then later, work themselves up.

If you are looking to protect your family from contaminated and unhealthy water, you should consider getting a water ionizer. This is especially true if you have a pregnant woman, children or elderly people in your home. Impure water imposes a greater healthy risk to them. Sure you can always buy bottled water but even then, there are concerns such as the plastic leaching into the water. With a water ionizer at home that not only cleans but keeps the water healthy, you can drink with a peace of mind knowing that you are getting the best water.

For more information about pure, safe drinking water, click here.

Published in: on August 24, 2009 at 10:47 pm  Comments (1)